Eyvo can assist in sourcing the right supplier ensuring you are getting the best value.
Wouldn’t it be great if you had one system that not only focused on the procurement and budgeting of the products and services but also assisted you in finding the supplier and ensure you are getting the best value? We have several ways of assisting you with that process using supplier bidding, closed tender offers, open bidding, sealed bidding, use of punch out catalogs to compare prices etc.
Eyvo eBA software has an optional module called RFI that allows you to send out emails inviting suppliers to register themselves on the eBA’s Supplier Portal and submit any supporting documents/certificates/tax returns etc. – the suppliers application is approved by the eBA systems administrator and they are then eligible to receive RFQ’s from you or to respond to RFP’s.
In our eBA, the optional RFQ module allows you to send Requests directly to suppliers that you already know, asking them to quote their best price and lead time etc. for a set of predetermined goods/services that you need now or in the future. Then based on returned bids you receive back from them, you can run a bid analysis report to make your final buying decisions and auto-create the relevant PO’s for Approval and onwards transmission to the winning supplier.
Also known as eTendering, this process allows you to gather up all the criteria for the job you need done and publish it on the public side of our eProcurement system ; This is a web page that is unique to you and your system and would normally be linked to from your own corporate web site informing your own suppliers that you have RFP’s that they can bid on. Interested suppliers can then register as potential vendors/bidders who can (if approved by you) download the full RFP docs and submit a bid. You have the option of running an OPEN (or Public) RFP or a CLOSED RFP. Furthermore, if suppliers have any specific questions about the RFP, there is a public Q&A forum that all the suppliers can see – so the process is truly transparent and fair.
This allows you to post your requisition items for public view and allow interested suppliers to bid their lowest price in a competitive way – You can allow the suppliers to see the current lowest bid and they can decide if they want to bid lower. This is a limited timed competitive sourcing event that you control.
Produces a “pick list” of the most relevant suppliers
Structured on-boarding of new suppliers
Communications via central supplier portal
Sealed or Open Bidding
Maintain RFQ performance metrics on each supplier
Comprehensive Bid Analysis of received quotes
Generate copy RFQs and RFPs with no retyping
Attach multiple external documents to any RFQ or RFP