Purchase Requisitions Software

Requesting Services, materials or equipment made easy

Purchase Requisitions Devolve Responsibility.

Given the right oversight, employees can request whatever they need themselves or channel it through a management hierarchy. This isn’t maverick purchasing, we monitor what they can purchase and how much then can spend – there are business rules and terms of engagement that the system will enforce. A purchase requisition (aka Purchase Request) is simply a tool to roll out to your wider user community that easily enables raw data capture.

In eBuyerAssist, the Requestor completes a simple web-based form and hits Submit. The data then begins obeying a set of pre-defined rules set by your workflow – we can help you set them up. The bottom line is it should be seamless, transparent and effortless for all the people in the chain and with Eyvo’s eBuyerAssist, it is!

Select items from internal catalogs

Support vendor punchout

Select items from internal catalogs

“Free text” input

Upload items from a spreadsheet

Split cost by % allocation to multiple cost codes

7 account codes allowed each with budget checking

Add multiple terms & conditions

Allow multiple document attachments

Approval hierarchy

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