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Modern times have taught us to preserve our natural resources and respect what is freely available to us. We have been taking our environment way too much for granted and it is time we change. Eco-sustainability is need of the hour.
As a corporate, we feel that it is our social and corporate responsibility to lead a sustainable way of business. In doing so, it is also vital that we lower our carbon footprint in the most minute ways possible.
There has been a significant global shift towards more environmentally sustainable ways of working. In the decades to come, the little changes we make now, will materialize into a healthier environment.
Running a sustainable business essentially means – to reduce our impact on the natural environment without negatively affecting our daily functioning of business processes.
How can we work on sustainability?As we mentioned earlier, the little things we do now matter and will eventually create a larger impact on our environment. Here are the little things we think we can follow together:
Cutting down on printing documents unless absolutely necessary
Increase the amount of recycling i.e. using little or no plastic, using environment-friendly stationery, discouraging the use of plastic coffee cups, etc.
Switching off lights and air conditioners of conference rooms or lunchrooms when not in use.
Encouraging carpooling or use of public transport among employees.
Keeping a check on the number of flights taken by employees.
The above-mentioned pointers are just a few top-of-the-head tips which we can try to implement in our daily office functions. They are easily doable and do not directly hinder our business functions but, do the job, nevertheless.
What Eyvo has been doing to play its part in a sustainable environment?We, at Eyvo, have always stressed on the importance of less paper and more digital. In all our communications, we make it a point to inform our leads or potential clients to think about the environmental responsibility before printing a certain document or email. This makes them aware and ensures minimal wastage.
We also encourage our employees to keep driving to work at a minimum to reduce carbon footprint. Further, our employees are advised to switch off lights and air conditioners whenever not in use.
In doing these little things, we hope to make change happen in a positive way and be sustainable in more ways as we can.
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