Ever since the advantages of E-procurement came to light, numerous companies have begun to make e-procurement software part of their corporate DNA. Any implementation of software that saves you money and increases productivity is certain to captivate both growing and established companies. Far thinking organizations have readily adopted this type of software and have not looked back. Why?
The benefits of implementing this software has decreased the workload, established long running relationships with the supplier, and overall has managed to improve efficiency and productivity of the supplier relationship.
So eProcurement builds better vendor relationships – How? First Step: What Product or Service does Your Company Need?If your company deals in collecting orders from existing clients, from inventory check, or from an internal requisition, integrating e-procurement software into the mix would make taking care of these orders easier. The software will record the date and time the document was received and sent out. The order can be passed on to other personnel in the company, and the time it took for the order to reach its destination can be tracked, thus creating a possibility to improve response time. If someone’s approval needs to be taken before shipping the order, it can be done quickly. So if you are a 3rd party purchasing agent or indeed just purchasing for your own business then utilizing this type of solution would ease the entire process from A to Z.
Second Step: Finding the SuppliersEven if you are a startup – Whether it’s a large or small firm, the need to request the services of suppliers will eventually arise. With time, the network of suppliers will grow from one to many. In order to keep track of the suppliers, you need to store their information in a system from where you can quickly retrieve it, and analyze it of needed – a spreadsheet just won’t suffice.
If you provide more than one type of service, you may have multiple suppliers managed by category. Finding the names of suppliers from a stack of papers can be difficult, but finding them via an e-procurement system is the total opposite. The system will narrow down the choices of suppliers and even rank them from highest to lowest by evaluating the cost, quality, and punctuality.
Third Step: Ask the Supplier for a QuoteAfter you have selected a few suppliers from the list, you can proceed to ask them for a quote. Instead of calling them, you can send in a request for a quote (RFQ) via the e-procurement software. The supplier in return will reply to you with a quote using their own personal portal on your e-procurement system that you set-up. In case you need to refer back to a supplier, you can do so through the software, as it keeps all the information stored in its database. You can place the order using the system stating all the terms and conditions.
Building better supplier relationships Fourth Step: Improves Communication between the Supplier and YouThe system enables you to keep track of the supplier and the time it took them to deliver the product allowing you to perform all type of supplier quality and conformance checks. Upon arrival, the product’s quality is thoroughly checked and is input into the system, which you can refer to later.
Businesses need to implement e-procurement software into their company, as it will help them maintain and grow the relationship with the supplier.
Contact Us today to ask for a free demo of the Eyvo eBuyerAssist solution. We look forward to helping improve your company’s operations.